Tales from
the classroom
Session 23
May 15
This week has been hard, we are all so sleepy!!!!
Our classmates Lina and Felipe were on charge of the Natural Approach… We all enjoyed this microteaching because they used pranks as a strategy to get us involved in the topic they were teaching.

"Krashen and Terrell see communication as the primary functionof language, and since their approach focuses on teaching communicative abilities, they refer to the Natural Approach as an example of a communicative approach" (Richards & Rogers 2001)

At the beginning we were all excited, but the microteachers are just not into it. They didn't seem to be interested in what we have to say.

Through their microteaching we were able to experience how this method “emphasizes comprehensible and meaningful practice activities, rather than production of grammatically perfect utterances and sentences.” (Richards, 2001). We were asked, not only to watch but also to tell a prank we planned or suffered. That was a clever way to link videos with self-conciousness activities that help the class to get as meaningful as possible. After the microteaching was over, we gave feedback to our classmates right the way. We think they (Lina and Felipe), as well as the rest of the class, found it enriching to know what was ok and was could be improved about their teaching.
At the end of this session, Harold gave us some advice about what to do when SS are off-task and about the subject, he came out with 15 new teaching tips!
Class was over and we were ask to read about the communicative method, the next microteaching to take place.